daily random thoughts

Thursday, June 5, 2008

still pondering Thing #6

Ok, I can see the purpose of social bookmarking - to have a place where you store all your bookmarks. For instance, I have differnt favorites bookmarked on my home computer than I do on the one I use at work. Or another example, if I am visiting one of my children and I am using their computer, I can still access my favorite sites. Many times I would like to show co-workers my granddaughters latest pictures and they are not easily attainable.

Thing #6 Social Bookmarking

I am learning about Thing #6 - Social Bookmarking.
I have bookmarked the website
I thougth this passage from the article was interesting
"A more exact definition and theory for Library 2.0 is necessary to focus discussion and experimentation within the community, and will be valuable in the implementation of new web-based services in the next several years (it is at this point important to note, as Breeding (2006) does, that many libraries are still struggling to adopt simple, static web-based services; interestingly, there are Web 2.0 services, such as the Public Library Interface Kit, or “Plinkit”, that could assist in this struggle). "
more later....

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Thing #5 Social Networking

I created a Face Book account and uploaded a picture. I added my son, daughter and son-in-law as friends. I like the idea of social networking but I do not think I will keep up with it.
The library could make use of this as a marketing tool to advertise what is new as far as programs, books, movies and music.

Thing #4

Photo Sharing

I really think this is the most useful tool. I can see how anyone would want to store their family, vacation or business photos online but in a safe spot. Like the illustration pointed out, what if your house burned. I personally like photosharing to get instant updated pictures of my granddaughter. My daughter (or SIL) take photos on their digital camera and post them on thier picassa site and I can look at them and print them out if I want. My daughter even sent me a YouTube of when my granddaughter rolled over for the first time!
The library can utelize photosharing (as we already do) on the website, plasma screen in the lobby, and any event we have going on for publicity before and after the programs.

Monday, June 2, 2008


Originally uploaded by mgrundmeier
Red rose, upclose, sharp colors


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Thing #3

Thing #3 is Instant Messaging.

I went to the University of Minnesota at Duluth's website to see their Ask a Librarian instant messaging system.

I use IM to talk to my kids, especially my daughter to get instantaneous feedback on how my precious grandbaby is doing, you know, important stuff like, what she is wearing, what she is playing with, is she having a good day, does she miss me.